COM-DIC Document 001


Business on which I don’t want to spend more than fifteen hours per week. I can spend sixty hours per week on commercial stuff, and I can make sixty times more money compared to what I can make spending one hour per week doing it. Every time I sit down to write a paragraph, I write a page. The more I write, the better I write; the better I write, the closer I am to who I truly want to be. Plus, the more I write, the more ideas I get. So, the less time I have to spend on business, the better.


I am tired of always lining up creativity and personal beliefs on the one side, and on the other side the extreme need of an income. I am fed up with playing these two sides against each other as if it is some 18th century battle with me standing on a hill in my frilly outfit with a cup of tea in my hand, and on dropping my white handkerchief seeing how the two sides go at each other’s throats.

Here is the reality: I am the one who loses, every time.

This so-called commercial dictatorship is necessary, though, but it does now seem to be a classic manifestation of the conflict that I inflame between creativity – especially writing – and making money.

What it boils down to, and what will continue to be the situation for the following 97 days of my life is when I sit down behind my computer, I won’t click on the Writing 2004 folder but on a business-related document. Calls will have to be made, and action shall be taken that will culminate in the result of money in my pocket and in my bank account.


What is the problem then? Or maybe my question should be more specific: What exactly is the purpose of this so-called commercial dictatorship? The primary aim is to raise at least 100,000 New Taiwan dollars so that I can return to and continue my life in South Africa.


I move as slow as a continent-sized ice pack on the way to the North Pole. There are things that inspire me – otherwise I wouldn’t be sitting here, typing, but there’s no fire. I’m like a communist government fifty years after the revolution.

I’m just interested in getting through every day as tensionless as possible, and I would have stayed in my apartment for weeks on end if it were not for the following reasons: 1) I run out of cigarettes; 2) I never buy the kind of groceries that will allow me to cook for myself, so I have to go out for dinner every day; 3) I must go out at least once every day except Wednesdays and Sundays to teach; 4) sometimes I get in the mood for coffee in town, in which case I will convince someone to keep me company while I drink myself into a different weight class with one creamy coffee after another; 5) my boxes of cereal turn up empty every ten days or so, which means I have to do a cereal run to the Carrefour; 6) I go to the movies at least once every two weeks.

What do I do when I am in my apartment? What does my average day look like? I start with breakfast (the main reason I get up in the morning), have some coffee (the second reason why I get up), and smoke my first cigarette of the day (the third reason). Depending on what I was working on before I went to bed, I’ll either turn on the computer while the water is boiling or I’ll wait until after breakfast. When I do eventually make myself comfortable behind the computer, my routine is equally predictable. First, I will select a CD. Then I’ll put the disc in my Aiwa Discman. I’ll press the Dynamic Super Linear Bass button once (not twice), and after the CD’s been read, I’ll press the Play button. Then I will click on the FreeCell icon and play one or two games before I click on the Writing 2004 folder. Moments later I will be THE WRITER, with Abba or Juluka or ZZ Top blaring in my ears. After about 45 minutes, I will get up and make myself some tea, which is a prerequisite for my second cigarette of the day. (I’m mindful of my health; I always drink something, usually tea or water, during my smoke breaks.)

My day will continue in this fashion until I get hungry. I will then walk to the 7-Eleven for a box of dumplings or something with rice and chicken, or to the supermarket where the woman grills chicken in the evenings, and get myself some instant noodles and a can of tuna. After enjoying my meal, I will continue working on my project until I get hungry again, or until I have to take a shower to get ready for an appearance as an English teacher during the early evening hours.

After my return from the evening classes – usually at about eight – I will again have a cup of tea and smoke a cigarette, this time in the kitchen. (Although this may seem to imply that it will only be my third cigarette of the day, I will, in fact, have run through almost half a pack by this time. I just thought it might be boring to describe when, where and how I smoke every single cigarette.)

If I have been out of the apartment for a few hours, I would probably have turned off my computer, which means after having tea and a cigarette in the kitchen I will turn it on again. I will plug my earphones into the Discman, choose another CD from my collection, again press the Dynamic Super Linear Bass button once, and Play after the disc has been read. Then I will again click on the FreeCell icon, perhaps then the F4 key to see how many games I’ve won consecutively, and then F2 for New Game.

After two or three rounds I will open the Writing 2004 folder, and double click on the document I had been working before I had to go out. After an hour or so I will get up and take another smoke break.

Now, my smoke breaks may appear to the ordinary reader as an unnecessary waste of time and health. Allow me then to take you through a typical almost quarter of an hour which I so lovingly refer to as a “smoke break”.

During the daytime I usually smoke at the antique cabinet standing against the wall of my living room opposite the windows. From this location I would have been able to look out the windows if not for the fact that I close the curtains during the day (I always open them when I go to sleep). I can also see from where I stand the calendar hanging behind the front door. (On the calendar, a few days are currently marked; among them, February 23rd, the first day of the Commercial Dictatorship, and Friday, June 4th, the day I’m planning to leave Taiwan with bags full of Monopoly money I will steal from the nearest supermarket the day before.)

After briefly casting a gaze over all the familiar ornaments and wall hangings in the dusky room, I will take a cigarette from the packet, and despite the fact that there is a whole container full of lighters standing right in front of me, I will look around for my lighter. There, I will then stand, drinking my tea and inhaling and exhaling smoke from the cigarette for about ten to fifteen minutes. (I smoke expensive brown cigarettes that burn longer than commercial white tubes.)

As I stand there with my tea and my cigarette, I will think about my life. Among other things, I will think about the meaning of my existence, and whether or not I was called to serve some or other purpose, or I will consider ways to make enough money to go “home”. Naturally the ideas differ with each smoke break, so to keep track, my notebook always lies open on the antique cabinet.

Also on the cabinet is a container filled with pens, of which at least one or two can actually write. However, these pens are mostly of ornamental value. The pen with which I take my daily notes is the only one that has value at a particular point in my life. (Last Monday I discovered during a class that a pupil was playing with the blue pen I had bought in South Africa during my vacation last July. The pen had no ink left, so I donated it two weeks ago to the penholder in the classroom. When I saw the pupil mangling the pen, I was immediately upset, and although I wouldn’t have gone so far as to physically attack the child, I felt genuinely sorry for the pen. I was aware of the fact that this was not normal, but it felt as if I had betrayed the pen. I considered taking the pen home again but instead chucked it in the dustbin.)

It should thus be clear that drinking tea and smoking cigarettes are crucial factors in the development of ideas, and to focus for short periods on certain problems in my life without the distraction of a keyboard under my fingers.

Well, the Abba CD is finished, my posterior is aching for a break, and I am thirsty, and ready for another cigarette. I’m happy with what I accomplished during the last sixty minutes: I succeeded magnificently in hijacking a report by the Commercial Dictator for a few thoughts of my own. If I keep this up, the future can only be bright.

I must, however, cut out the table with plans and ideas that will make me rich in South Africa when I edit this piece for a literary project …


The 99 Days of the Commercial Dictator


The Republic rose from his bed this morning with the knowledge that this is not just an ordinary Monday. This – and the string quartet hits a few quick notes – is the First Day of the 99 Days of the Commercial Dictator!

Even though the morning was glorious and the day pregnant with possibility, it did not take long for a bit of turbulence to hit the Council Chambers. The COM-DIC wanted to start his administration with a little “house cleaning,” and asked the Writer to please lend a hand. The Writer indignantly flashed the COM-DIC a glance and said everyone knows he never touches a broom, to which the COM-DIC retaliated with, “No wonder the place looks the way it does!”

The New Leader then took it upon himself to touch a few spots in the Council Chambers with a broom and duster, while the Writer listlessly paged through a photo album. (This then almost resulted in a second altercation, because the People wanted to know whether time can be spent on photo albums during the New Time. The Secretary considered this matter for a moment. Then he declared that it had been permissible during the Time of the Writer, and because the New Time is based on the Dedication of the Writer, it should also not be a problem under the current regime.)

During the press conference that followed shortly after the cleaning session, the question arose as to who is technically responsible for writing the text that you, the reader, are currently reading.

The Secretary grabbed the microphone, and firmly announced that such questions, especially after the unpleasantness with the broom, will not be tolerated. He glanced sideways at his tea that was getting cold, and muttered to himself, “The last thing the Republic needs right now is a New Identity Crisis.” He snatched the microphone from its stand and roared, “This New Time will be remembered as a time of unity! Strife has no place in times like these! After all, does the Honoured Writer not stand for such noble principles?!” The Secretary realized the question forced a pensive mood on all present, then added, “And everyone ought to know better than to sling a broom in the Writer’s direction …

“Anyway,” he continued, “during the next 99 days the focus will be on one thing and one thing only: a shameless, unprecedented, feverish pursuit of profit. The reasons have long been laid out; the motivations are honourable. Certain matters must be made possible, and the Board unanimously decided in favour of this strategy during the last Big Session on Thursday, 12 February 2004.

“To the People, the Primary Characters as well as the Secondary Characters we wish luck and plenty of inspiration.” A glimmer of optimism was evident in the Secretary’s eyes. “Wisdom, skill, and good fortune are also our wishes for our Temporary New Leader, the Commercial Dictator!” No applause followed the use of the New Leader’s official title, but all the characters tried their best to look busy for the moment.

“Finally,” and with these words the Secretary’s face became solemn and the microphone was pushed back in its clip, “to the Writer we wish a pleasant furlough. At the end of this 99-day period work will resume on literary projects, hopefully with packed suitcases, and bags full of money. Long live … everything that is good.”

The Juluka song “Akanaki Nokunaka” had been chosen as anthem for the New Time, but none of the characters could pronounce the lyrics properly. Everyone knew the lyrics to the old Boer folk song “Sarie Marais,” though, and everyone agreed that it captured the mood most profoundly. The Musician was called in to accompany on his guitar, but he started trembling and mumbled something about a “terrible headache” – understandable since it was the first time in many years he was called from his obscure hiding place.

After the last mournful notes had drifted from the windows of the Council Chambers, all raised a single finger into the air and cried like One Man, “Let the New Time Begin!”


Advice to the youth


What would be my advice to teenagers and students before they make critical decisions in their lives?

I would say: Get to know yourself in a variety of situations and in dealing with a wide range of people, and ask yourself how and where you want to fit into the larger community. Think about what you want out of life. Consider the reasons and motivations why you want to pursue those particular things, and why you want to fit into the community in a particular way.

You do not necessarily need to sort out all these things decisively and conclusively before you embark on any journey – study, work or anything else, but do not delay this process to a distant “someday”.

Lastly, think, and think again, before you accumulate financial debt before you have sorted these issues out. And if you’re in the habit of avoiding debt as much as possible, why spoil a good thing?


[Is there a foolproof recipe teenagers and students can follow?

Probably not. The things I mentioned in the preceding paragraphs might be sound advice, but it’s also easy to verbalise when it’s someone else’s time to do it.

In the end everyone has to make mistakes, and sometimes it takes years before people have sorted out the above-mentioned issues well enough to be able to say: “This is who I am. This is where I want to be. This is what I want to do. This is what I want out of life, and these are the reasons why.”

The most valuable practical advice, considering the fact that it may take years to find or formulate proper answers to important questions, is actually something that everyone should already know: avoid debt.]


In five years’ time – the last fifteen years – parents have this responsibility


I know who I was yesterday, and I know who I am today – but who am I going to be tomorrow, or in five years? I don’t need to know exactly, but I’d be happy to have an idea … or perhaps an expectation.

Who you are going to be will of course be influenced by who you were yesterday, and who you are today. But who you want to be tomorrow also influences who you are today, how you spend your time, and even how you feel about yourself.

* * *

I think back to the past fifteen years. My only major plan that ever turned into reality was to study at Stellenbosch University.

Examples: by the end of 1989 I wanted to study theology, but what worked out was a BA degree with a view to becoming a teacher; I wanted to go to Stellenbosch in 1990, but a lack of money forced me to do my first year at the University of Pretoria; in 1995 I wanted to go to Europe for at least a few months, but I was back in South Africa after five weeks; in January ’96 I thought of looking for work in Pretoria and environs, but at the end of June I was on my way to South Korea; in 1998 I wanted to go to England, but eventually I returned to South Africa; back in South Africa my original plan was to get some projects going, but instead I accepted a part-time job in Johannesburg; my big idea in 1998 was to belong and commit in South Africa, but by the middle of January 1999, I was in Taiwan.

The only big plan that ever realised was thus Stellenbosch. It is also significant that I had to remain longer in Pretoria before the train – so to speak – eventually left the station in 1991 with me and most of my earthly belongings. If I had gone to Stellenbosch directly after high school, I would probably not have been as much of a lost outsider as I was when I finally did arrive there as a second-year student.

What does that say about my 2004 plans? I don’t know, but I have to continue making plans, and I have to continue trying to make them work. I also need to have faith that “everything” will “work out” in one way or another.

* * *

Parents have the responsibility to at least try to lead the kind of life that a child can look at and say, “I also want such a life.” And the child must not only say this as a five or six-year-old but as a teenager of fifteen or sixteen, and even as a young adult.

If it is not possible for you to currently lead the quality of life that you want your child to have someday, it is your responsibility to educate your child and prepare them to strive for a better life than the one you currently call your own. One should be mindful of the consequences before telling a child, “This is just the way things work. We all have to accept it and move on.” Be realistic, but allow the child to dream.

If you as a parent do not lead the kind of life you dreamed of in your younger days, make the child aware of things that you might have done differently, and show the child possible routes that he or she may consider to not also become a “victim of circumstance”.


Credible identity in a new community


In 2000, I didn’t just want to be “Brand” who could play guitar or piano – I wanted to be “Brand the Musician”. Critically low self-esteem fuelled a desperate attempt to develop an aspect of a social identity that would have made me feel good about myself.

Unfortunately, my ambitions were hopelessly unrealistic. I wanted to play guitar like John Williams (the classical guitarist, not the composer) in a few months, and play piano at least with both hands within the same period. Inevitable failure plunged me into the most wretched frame of mind I had experienced up until that point in Taiwan. (My work situation added fuel to the fire. I taught most of my classes at an elementary school where half the 7-year-olds ignored me during the class, a quarter paid attention half of the time, and the other quarter could barely wait for me to go outside after the class so they could throw dirt at me.)

The musician issue was of course not about the guitar or the piano; it was about how I saw myself, how my social identity and status were marked in the community, and how I had wanted it to be.

To what community am I referring? In 2000, a flood of other South Africans arrived in Kaohsiung almost overnight. I was again, out of the blue, confronted with the question of who I was – not only in a broad existential sense but among people of my own age, from my own country, who spoke my language.

My love for music, and the esteem and respect that I had always had for people who could play musical instruments infused me with the idea from the middle of that year that the label of “Musician” was by far the most ideal for my needs. A single track on the Pearl Jam album, No Code did not help prevent this fatal view. I was so mesmerised by it that within a week of buying the album I went out to get myself an electric guitar.

* * *

If I never went to Korea, and therefore never came to Taiwan … if I had stayed in Pretoria from April 1996 onwards (hopefully not for longer than three months in my sister’s living room), I would have been compelled to define my identity as an adult in the more familiar habitat of my own country, among people of my own culture, who spoke my language. It would probably have included factors like my undesirable socio-economic status, and I might have taken other measures to feel better about myself.

What happened, however, was that I ended up in the double alienation of Korea – as Westerner in a city of 800,000 Koreans, and the only South African and Afrikaans-speaking person in the foreign community. My process of identity formation once again entered a period of shock – like the socio-economic shock of being downgraded from “middle class” to “poor white” in 1985.

Would I have become a “different person” if I had gotten a job in Pretoria in June 1996? Of course, but I also believe that the core of a person’s personality is to a great extent fixed and merely responds to different environmental factors. “Korea Brand” was the result of 22 months in that country and the double alienation it had entailed. “Pretoria Brand” never developed beyond the initial three months.

Would “Pretoria Brand” still have become a “writer”? It’s possible. The creative aspect of my identity had after all already started developing by 1994 in Stellenbosch, and it was connected to previous times when the potential for this building block of identity had also manifested itself.

What is important here is credible identity. I was never a credible “Brand the Musician”. I knew this, and tried desperately to develop credibility in a ridiculously short period.

Is “Brand the Writer” a credible identity? Yes, and not because I think my text it worthy of being published or read. What is important – and I have mentioned this a few times before, is that I write, that I write quite often, and that I have written enough by now to have credibility in my own eyes as a writer.

* * *

I was confronted in Korea with an environment where, unlike 1995 and early ‘96, I had to identify myself to a large group of my contemporaries. I was unsure how to do it. I was unsure who “Brand Smit” was, and what it meant to be “Brand Smit”. I searched for clues, answers … and where does one seek for clues and answers other than the ground where your umbilical cord is buried, so to speak?

In my case, I identified middle-class suburbia as ground zero. What stared me in the face, however, was the failure – personally and that of my family – to fit in and be accepted by the place that had to yield clues about who and what I was. The view of myself as a descendant of a source that had always threatened to abort me made me see the source in an extremely negative light, to put it mildly.

The most ideal alternative to middle-class suburbia in developing my identity could have been the Christian religion. One would almost like to say that my whole identity crisis could have been decided then and there. Problem was, since 1993, I no longer viewed the Church, as I had known and respected it from childhood, as a credible institution. The close relationship between the Afrikaner middle class and the branch of the Christian religion with which I was most familiar further alienated me from both.

To summarise:

1. I was confronted in Korea with the need to identify myself to dozens of my contemporaries; many more people, and on a more personal level than in 1995 and early ‘96.

2. I was looking for answers and clues in the place where my roots lie. I had identified this place as middle-class suburbia. I was aware of the fact that this place (environment and society, in the broad sense of the word) did not want to accept my and my family’s roots – or at least, could not accept our roots according to qualifications that any community certainly has a right to expect potential members to meet. What is relevant here is not so much the standards that middle-class suburbia sets regarding financial status, but that this particular environment, with its particular culture, values and ideas, could not serve me as a credible source of identity.

3. The most ideal alternative could have been the Christian religion, but from 1993 onwards I no longer regarded it as a credible source of identity for me because of my increasing lack of belief in the Traditions of the Established Church.

4. Conclusion? I was in trouble. I had to dig deeper for clues and ideas about who and what I was, who and what I wanted to be, and in what environment I wanted to be this person.

* * *

In 2000 I was confronted again, this time in Taiwan, with people to whom I had to identify myself after once again functioning for a year in relatively obscure anonymity – where the most basic information about my person was good enough.

As I have already mentioned, being a “Musician” was in my opinion the most ideal pre-packaged and pre-approved identity I could think of in my uncertainty and anxiety about my own value, but one for which I could not build up sufficient credibility in the short time I needed to.

It would thus appear that participation and membership in a new community – where you’d have to identify yourself in full colour and detail – may lead to increased introspection and renewed definition of identity or the development of new aspects of identity if you are not satisfied with who you are in that community.

It also follows that the identity, or aspects of identity, that you would try to develop would correspond with what is highly regarded by the community of which you want to be a member.

The alternative to acceptance and membership in a community is obscure anonymity – where it is not necessary for who and what you are to be accepted by other people in your community, as long as you keep yourself busy on your own, and you cause no trouble.
