Ask the right questions – self-respect and money


The question, “How can I make money?” is problematic. It focuses on the one who is supposed to make money, and how can you expect to make money with something that focuses on the one who needs the money?

A better series of questions can be suggested: In what ways can I give value to someone else’s life that will also put money in my pocket? How can I contribute to an increase in someone else’s life quality in ways that will also bring me some profit? In what ways can I add value to something that someone else is producing or has produced that will help me pay my rent?

This is not the first time I think along these lines, but what happens every time is I open my eyes after a few weeks or a few months to see that I have once again lost track, that I have once again started asking: What can I sell? How can I make money with this project?

Unless you have the ability and the means to speculate with capital, the answer to the question of how you can make money will always be by providing value to people willing to pay for it.



I only need one thing when I go to South Africa in three weeks and five days’ time, and it is not a lot of money. My only request is that I manifest calm confidence in myself.

It is true that money is usually a source of superficial self-confidence. Many people’s heads also spin from sheer confusion if you are calm and confident even though you don’t have or make a lot of money.

The question is, can you respect yourself if your wallet is on the thin side? Can you really manifest calm confidence in yourself if you have to pinch your coins before you spend them?

There are ultimately many reasons why someone isn’t rolling in the money, or why they don’t have easy access to credit. If other people find it difficult to respect you if you don’t have money, that is their problem. If you can still respect yourself even when you’re broke, cash flow is your only problem.


Animals can smell fear and react instinctively to it. Likewise, most people can sense a lack of self-esteem in another person. Again, the response is involuntary.
