Appearance – disorder – freedom


Appearance is a nasty business. On your own, in the privacy of your own rooms, you are near perfect. You’re not too fat, you’re not too poor, you’re not too stupid or too boring.

And then you realize you need milk.

The moment you appear in public, you realise you’re fat – compared to the slender person who passes you on the sidewalk. You realise you are actually quite unattractive, compared to the much more attractive person standing next to you at the traffic light. You realise you are actually quite broke, compared to the amount and variety of groceries the person behind you in the queue at the supermarket has in their trolley.


1. Is it not strange that, as adults, we are almost by default under the impression that we are not free to do what we want. We have to make ourselves valuable in order to justify our existence. We hope someone is so gracious to give us work as soon as we finish school, or after we have undergone some training to make ourselves more valuable. We hope somebody sees what we can do for them and are willing to pay us for the value we can deliver so that we can survive. Freedom, we’ve been told time and again from childhood, is like a private beach: a privilege reserved for the wealthy few.

2. You want to be a good person; you want to support your fellow travellers through life in their struggles. At the same time you want to detach; you want to free yourself from the mess that society is at times.


Over the past couple of weeks I discovered I am suffering from some kind of disturbance. I considered possible causes: money … my approaching holiday … my plane ticket, and so on. I think maybe it’s not about money. I think maybe it’s appearance.
