Is “Brand Smit” a workable Homo sapiens model?

FRIDAY, 16 JULY 2004

Question for reflection: We are what we are (particular “I”) so that we can fulfil our needs. If our needs are not being met, can it be said that who and what we are is wrong?

Why is “I” particular to environment? If the Homo sapiens is in harmony with his surroundings, if he more or less looks and sounds like most other Homo sapiens in the area, and if he manages to function within the limits of acceptable behaviour, he will have a fair chance of satisfying his needs.

What does it mean that Homo sapiens “Brand Smit” migrated from Habitat South Africa to Habitat Taiwan? It means that he was not able to sufficiently meet his needs in the former habitat; even though he had been surviving on a daily basis until his migration, he had seen the flashing red light of impending doom of his personal existence (I refer in no way here to the politics of South Africa and survival of particular ethnic groups – I am referring only to myself as an individual).

What does it mean that Homo sapiens “Brand Smit” wants to stay on in Habitat Taiwan? It means he considers this particular habitat as more favourable for long-term needs satisfaction.

“But,” one would say, “some of his most important needs are not currently being met, and if happiness is primarily a sensory issue, he is mostly not happy.”

What can one do?

“Brand Smit” has become a person who can survive in the particular habitat where he currently resides. Furthermore, he has forged an identity that he believes will make it possible for him to also satisfy his needs in other environments. But unrest is brewing … his identity only seems to be a working model!

Is my Homo sapiens model good enough to satisfy my needs in this particular place and at this time? If not, what does one do? And what does it mean?


Yesterday’s point was if a modern Homo sapiens’ needs are not being met, then his identity – the way in which he relates to the world around him, which as its primary function should enable the person to satisfy his needs – is insufficient or even wrong.

[Of course, another possibility is that there’s simply not enough food and water for everyone in the area to quench their thirst and consume sufficient calories.]

* * *

The primary purpose of identity is to enable the Homo sapiens to satisfy their needs in the particular time and place where they were born, or where they find themselves at a later stage of their life.

A question can then be asked: Is my identity working, or is it not? Is who and what I am (given, or self-defined after critical process) a workable Homo sapiens model that enables me to satisfy my needs? If not, what is the problem? Is who and what I am the problem – that is, do I suffer from some malaise or disorder that hinders my need satisfaction? Or is who and what I am in this specific environment the problem? In the latter case, I have two options: I would either have to modify my identity to better fit the norms and values of the environment in which I find myself in order to improve my chances of survival, or I would have to migrate to another environment where who and what I am would at least not undermine my chances of survival to any significant degree.


The fuller meaning of the “given self/chosen self” idea


I am going to annoy myself if I continue saying it, but I don’t think I am fully aware of the full meaning and implication of the given self/chosen self idea.

Fact is that people sometimes burn up decades trying to sort out what they are supposed to do. They spend years looking for “true” answers, their “real” selves, their “right” place in the world, where they supposedly “really” belong … without realising they basically have two choices: accept to a large extent your given self and function as such, within the particular framework of given place and time, or choose who and what you want to be, and where.

As I have previously also mentioned, the latter choices will always be constrained by the given self, by fate data and by needs of the community, and particularly to given time. Still, OPTIONS DO EXIST.

Some people may always remain a victim of given time and place, but ask yourself an important question: Am I a defeated victim of given time and place, or is there room for me to make choices?


Organs, republics and other subjects

SUNDAY, 11 JULY 2004

Coma, amnesia, and consciousness of the self – the relationship between the body and the “psyche”

My sense of self and my ability to think critically about the self whilst my own self remains comfortable depend greatly on the proper functioning of my major organs.

The details of my particular self-consciousness – language, culture, ethnicity – is directly related to the rise of the Dutch Republic to eminent naval power and accompanying economic growth and prosperity and even advancements in art during the seventeenth century.

* * *

Both “sense of self” and “identity” are essential for something to function. What is this something?

* * *

Family and friends are important, even essential to our existence, because we think they know us. They – “know who I am.”

* * *

It feels like I am running down the correct lane in the orchard, but I am not barking up the right tree.

* * *

Johnny Clegg said, “Spirit is the journey, body is the bus.” Perhaps one should be more specific and say: The body is the bus, sense of self and particular identity is the driver, and the “spirit” is the passenger that needs both the body, and the self-identity to get where it needs to go. But, go where?


Notes – happiness – conclusions


Choose and believe

The goal is not to be incapable of doing evil deeds, but not to do evil deeds.

That means looking yourself in the eyes and admitting, “I am capable of being evil and doing bad things,” and then to choose to not be evil, and to not do bad things.

This choice, as most know, is not always easy, but even that should serve as motivation, rather than as a reason to doubt yourself.

Believe that you can be good. Believe that you can do good things. Then be good, and do good deeds.

Myself and I: “I talk to myself.” A deceptively simple statement? Who’s the “I” in that sentence, and who’s the “self”?


Happiness is a sensory issue

Happiness is primarily an issue of the senses.

Think about it for a minute: What are you looking at right now? What do you smell? What do you taste? What do you hear? What are you touching?

Equally important, and perhaps even more so: What are you not looking at, or what do you not see? What do you not smell? What do you not taste? What don’t you hear? What are you not touching?

And then, if happiness is to a great extent dependent on how you experience your immediate environment: What do you want to see? What do you want to smell? What do you want to taste? What do you want to listen to? What do you want to touch?

Conclusions on FRIDAY, 9 JULY 2004

1. What at one stage seemed like wise choices that initially had positive results, may in some cases with the passage of time produce extremely negative consequences.

2. Sometimes you must pretend what you are not to achieve more positive results.

3. The enlightened, wise person should be able to play the game better than the ignorant; he should also be able to exert better control over his emotions.

4. The question can be asked: Do you want to play the game?


Introduction to the FINAL CHAPTER

The idea was originally to use the material of this “Final Chapter” as the fourth and final part of the “Personal Agenda” project. It should therefore not lead to any shock and surprise if I should mention that what follows builds on the material that has preceded this chapter.

In short, prepare yourself for another several dozen pages of observations, usually unsolicited social criticism, arguments with myself (and others, but only in my own mind), plans that are not really relevant to anyone else, and insights that may just be useful for one or two people.

This chapter can for various reasons still be seen as the unofficial final chapter of the “Personal Agenda” project, while also serving as the first chapter of the next project. Allow me then to solemnly announce, without any further delay, the absolutely concluding …




of the next project, entitled:

volume II

