Possibilities of the nature of our reality (and who’s in control)


One: The world naturally came into being through explosions and cosmic expansion, and evolution. Political leaders are people who have risen to positions of power through a combination of personality, chance, and social pressure. Most of them are corrupt; some try their best to serve and uplift their communities. Then they die or are voted out or recalled, and someone else takes their place. Another version of this is that the strings in America are pulled by a conspiracy of Big Oil, Intelligence, and Wall Street (see Mike Benz on X). One could certainly assume that each country has its own version of such large and powerful interests making decisions behind the scenes.

Two: The world naturally came into being through explosions and cosmic expansion and evolution. Political leaders are puppets of the Vatican, who pull all the important strings behind the scenes. Why? The Roman Catholic Church ruled Europe for almost a thousand years. The common assumption is that they slowly but surely lost power and influence over the next five centuries. This assumption is either wrong, or they succeeded in placing supporters back in positions of power.

Three: The world came into being naturally through explosions and cosmic expansion and evolution. Political leaders are puppets of a Jewish conspiracy to rule the world for their own benefit. Why? Jewish conspiracy leaders believe in the superiority of Jews, and believe that it is God’s will that Jews rule the world.

Four: The world came into being naturally through explosions and cosmic expansion and evolution. At some point, effective control of the world was taken over by reptilian beings from outer space who worship demons. Political leaders are Satanic paedophiles who are puppets of these reptilian beings who rule the world through manipulation for their own benefit.

Five: We and the world of which we are sensibly aware are part of a computer simulation – what we experience as reality is in fact a super-realistic, advanced computer simulation. What is the argument for this? At some point, humanity will develop the technological skills and resources to create a powerful computer simulation of their ancestors. Chances are they will create many such simulations. Chances are the simulated inhabitants of these worlds will have consciousness. What are the chances then that the person who is conscious of himself is part of the generation that originally created such simulations, and not one of possibly thousands of simulations?
